The Cheltenham Chamber of Commerce has re elected the Website Design Cheltenham to their ECommerce Executive.
At the recent Cheltenham Chamber of Commerce's Annual General Meeting (AGM)- which was held at the Cheltenham Borough Council's office in the Promenade, we were re elected unanimously to be their ECommerce executive Board.
Our role last year were to help improve the number of Members, to increase membership retention and to improve some of the "back office" systems including the event booking system.
We can't claim to be sole reason for the improvement, but at the AGM it was declared that the membership income had increased by 22% over the past year.
In addition we put in place the event booking system which replaced the old "cheque in the post" booking reservation and payment system with an online booking and payment system that has streamlined the whole process. Saving both our member's time and also the administration's time.
And making the Cheltenham Chamber look more professional and user friendly to existing and guest visitors.
Back at the turn of the Century one of the reasons that the City became so excited about the Internet and created the "Dot Com Bubble" was that they realised that the Internet can automate and improve the ways that business is conducted.
So the Internet becomes not just about online sales but administration and business improvements. Which is why ECommerce is so important to productivity and profitability.
Thus, if you want help with improving your business's processes and productivity- please contact us now or ring us on 01242 521967 now to see how we can help you to make money as well!